This Welcome Guide for an invitee proposes a series of steps to facilitate their entry into the Alliance.
Should this invitee choose to become an ally, one other ally must testify of that alliance: simply by email or by the more elaborate process of a welcoming interview between the invitee and this ally. It is recommended to use this guide for the interview, in order to ensure that the invitee is fully informed when joining.
1 – Objectives of the welcome
1.1) Help the invitee to fully understand how the Alliance functions.
1.2) Enrich the Alliance through this invitee’s contribution.
2 – Welcoming process
2.1) Introduction of the invitee
The invitee can say whatever they consider useful to say about themselves, at this point or at any other time during the welcoming interview. And also how they learned about the Alliance, why they accepted the invitation.
2.2) Ask the invitee if they have any questions about the Alliance and about its goal of “organizing the alleviation of suffering in a sustainable manner”
Organizing in the sense of converging energies towards it. Guide them towards discovering responses themselves, if possible by discussing with other invitees or allies. Use The Alliance in images for support.
2.3) Ask what they like about the Alliance and about their expectations.
2.4) Ask very attentively about their hesitations, objections, fears.
The goal is not to persuade but to communicate in a very open way in order to identify areas for cooperation. In addition, these hesitations may be well-founded and lead to positive changes in the Alliance.
2.5) Ask about their resources
Talents/skills/expertise/experience, networks, etc. Any involvement in other organizations working to relieve suffering.
2.6) Ask their opinion about the Alliance’s official texts and any suggestions they may have for modifications.
2.7) Discuss how the invitee imagines participating in the Alliance :
- remain a simple observer, which is already a significant contribution
- get involved in centers of interest supported by the Alliance
- contribute to AlgoNews, the Alliance’s news bulletin
- create new centers of interest
- get involved in allied organizations or otherwise contributing to the alleviation of suffering
- get more closely involved in the organization and running of the Alliance, in particular through the Communication Council
- take part in the Alliance’s decision-making through the Agora (propose/object)
- or simply become an “ally” in order to add one more vote to the Alliance in its capacity to influence decision-making around the world towards alleviating suffering. This “political” role - this important way of participating in the running of the global village - is essential, and even the most important role in supporting the Alliance in its mission.
2.8) The concept of extended consciousness - ethical replication - can be brought up, depending on the invitee’s interest.
2.9) In case he wishes to ally, ask the invitee if “the alleviation of suffering in the world is an ethical priority” for them.
If so, communicate their new status of ally to
3 – New ally
3.1 Agree on an initial way to participate in the Alliance.
3.2) Invite the new ally to deepen their reflections about their fundamental values: see Prioritarian ethics of the Alliance. The point is to avoid getting involved too quickly and superficially and then discovering a conflict with the basic values of the Alliance.
For example, the ethics of the Alliance (whose priority is the alleviation of suffering in the world) may be compared with religious or other ethics. From there, the new ally may more clearly see whether his/her deepest convictions are compatible with a participation in the Alliance.
3.3) Inform the new ally that they now also have the power to serve as a witness for the joining of an invitee, and explain these key points:
- this testimony is the only way to become an ally,
- the Alliance is a network whose force comes from its human links,
- the basic link is made up of an invitee and their accompanying ally,
- the development of the Alliance is based on the replication of this link.
3.4) Conclude the process by providing the rules and the user’s guide to the Alliance in order for the new ally to become a “co-author”.
4 - Continuation
4.1) The Alliance is free and voluntary. The ally can terminate their membership whenever they desire.
4.2) A feedback report from a new ally is welcome, after 6 months for example
with the strong and weak points that they perceived regarding the functioning of the Alliance.